Categories of Manuscript

I. Research Papers (3000-8000 words excluding footnotes)

Submissions in this category are expected to engage with the theme and literature of a particular topic comprehensively. The manuscript must survey current practice in the field, identify any lacunae and offer innovative reassessment along with constructive suggestions. Theoretical pieces are also welcome in this category.

II. Articles (2000-3000 words excluding footnotes)

Articles are more concise in scope and are focused on a particular issue and offer new perspectives and critical insights on the selected topic. They offer clearly identifiable arguments and may provide different ways of conceptualizing the selected issue.

III. Case or Legislative Comment (1500-2000 words excluding footnotes)

This category is meant for the analysis of any judicial pronouncement, legislative action, or policy proposal. Notes and Comments must trace the line of cases in which the decision appears and comment on its implications on the evolution of that branch of law. Similarly, a legislative comment or policy proposal must identify the object and expected impact of the legislative action/policy proposal in question. 

IV. Book Review (1500-2000 words excluding footnotes)

A book review should focus on either an autobiography authored by a lawyer which could inspire aspirants and practitioners in the legal field or focuses on a practical issue that is important to know in the legal profession.


I. General Instructions

• Research Papers and Articles must be accompanied by an abstract not exceeding 300 words.

• Multiple authors are allowed for all categories, except Case Notes and Legislative Comments wherein co-authorship is not permitted.

• All works must be original and unpublished, and must not be pending for review before any other journal. Any form of plagiarism will result in immediate disqualification for publication.

• While it is advisable to adhere to the word limits of each category, the journal may be flexible on the word limit depending on the quality of the article.

• Manuscript Language should be English. 


II. Format

1. The manuscript should contain the name of the paper, name of the authors and their institutional affiliation.

2. The main body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman style, font size 12, with 1.5 line spacing.

3. Footnotes in Times New Roman Style, Size 10, with 1.0 line spacing.

4. All headings must have uniform formatting.

5. Texts and footnotes should conform to the Bluebook 20th Edition.



Each heading in the body of the article must be numbered. The main headings should be numbered I, II, III and so on. The second level of headings should be numbered A, B, C, and so on. Both the first and second levels of headings should have the first letter of the main words capitalized. The third level of headings should be numbered 1, 2, 3 and so on. The fourth level of headings should be numbered (i), (ii), (iii) and so on. The third and fourth level of headings should have only the first letter of the heading capitalized.



The Review follows a three-stage double-blind review process. The three stages of the review, although time-consuming, ensure a thorough review of the content of the manuscripts that are selected for publication. The Review does not entertain any requests made to convey its decision or suggestions in relation to a manuscript on the basis of submission of an abstract, a proposed outline of the manuscript or on any other bases. The decision to accept or reject a manuscript will betaken only after the manuscript has been submitted, and review of the said manuscript has been completed. Manuscripts may be returned to the author(s) with suggestions related to substance and/or style. Final acceptance of a manuscript for publication is contingent on the incorporation of such suggestions to the satisfaction of the Editorial Board. The Review reserves the right to request for copies of the resources or authorities as cited by the author(s) in the manuscript. The Review retains absolute discretion with respect to acceptance or rejection of the submissions made.

Publication Fee

The Institute of Legal Education’s all journals don’t charge any fees at any stage of the manuscript. It is full of free cost for valuable knowledge.