Serial Killers – A Legal Analysis

Serial Killers – A Legal Analysis

Serial Killers – A Legal Analysis

Author – TIMPLE SUGANYA J A, Student at School of Law Sathyabama University

Best Citation – TIMPLE SUGANYA J A, Serial Killers – A Legal Analysis, Journal on Vulnerable Community Development, 1 (1) of 2023, Pg. 22-28, ISBN – 978-81-961097-0-7


A serial killer refers to a criminal with a psychopathological profile who commits crimes with a sure frequency. The modus operandi of a serial killer levels from sexual abuse, torture, humiliation and domination. On occasion he leaves a signature at the sufferer or at the crime scene. The difference among a serial killer and a commonplace assassin isn’t most effective quantitative. The motivation of practising crimes is the most crucial component to differentiate these crook profiles. In the first second, the deaths dedicated via serial killers seem to be random. However, after careful demise analyses, an interconnection is found out. The behavioral pattern and psychological characteristics of a serial killer do not emerge at a few second. Rather, they include a procedure that develops through the years. A few behaviors in early life can point to this misconduct, which includes the mistreatment of animals or placing fire to locations. These behaviors may be discovered in situations in which the person is exercise strength. Serial killers are the murderers who dedicate a series of murders, with a positive c program language period between each one. They may be extremely dangerous, use several techniques to earn the believe in their victims, and homicide mercilessly handiest to meet their desires. One of the most high-quality traits of a serial killer is guiltlessness. These murderers kill with out feeling any regret.

Keywords: Serial killers, Fantacy killing, Murder, Serial murder, Mass murderer